Part 24: The Grand City of Mohabumi
Update 23 - The Grand City of Mohabumi
MUSIC: Mohabumi
Welcome to the docks of Mohabumi! The city of witches located in some underground cavern. The name Mohabumi, roughly translates to Magic Earth in Hindi. This mirrors Xiatian, the capital of Rulle, roughly coming from the Chinese word for summer. It's a pretty cool name, for a pretty awesome place! We're going to explore this place from top to bottom, which is gonna take us... quite a while.
This map will, eventually, be useful for our exploration purposes. Until we visit a new location, it won't show up for us. So, let's go into the city proper!
The crew on our boat have scattered around the city, and we'll be able to find them all eventually. Layla is right here at what seems to be the gift shop, and so shall be our first talking buddy!

Why hello! Welcome to Mohabumi! The band has all dispersed now... but we really were big fans of your composition! Perhaps we'll save it for future shows! Hee! Not to worry! Rulle won't be able to reach you here. Mohabumi is like a huge fortress! Although, hmm... you can't use magic, can you? You'll have a hard time getting around town on foot...
Yeah... we may end up having some trouble unless Miriam helps us out. Though without a broom, and no money... I don't know how far Miriam is going to get either.

I'm a complete fool for these shops! Every time I come I feel I have to purchase something. Or two, or three, or four things... Mostly, these shops are tourist traps for visitors, of course... The classier places are higher up in the city, but they're just so colorful and lovely! I suppose I really am easy, hee!
You uh... may want to rephrase that Layla. It doesn't come off the way you meant it to.
Ah! It looks like Miriam is trying to solve the broom issue right now. How's that going for her?

I guess they sell brooms in this witch city. Don't know why I didn't think of that.

They all look like crap though...

We don't have money, also!

Oh yeah... this always happens to us. How are we ever gonna get anywhere?
It's been like ten updates since it happened, but that Mermaid Tear... Bard... it would have solved so many problems!

Apparently if you can't fly... you can't even get to most of the city. Really missing my broom right now. I really wanted to see the city, too... I've never been around so many witches...

One way or another, we have to meet the Queen. She's got the Overseer's song, right?

Don't worry, Miriam! I have...
a plan!
I'm pretty sure that's going to make her worry more, Bard.

Really? To meet the Queen?


Huh. Ok. I'll work on getting a broom... somehow.
Good luck on getting one without money. If this weren't a city of witches, I'd suggest some threatening use of magic.
The broom salesman himself has something to say... or something to sell us on.

Hello yes!!! Please peruse my shops! I'm sure something will catch your eye. Let me know if you have any questions! These brooms are the finest in Mohabumi! My family and I cut these ourselves by hand!

They don't look
that good...

Then your eyes deceive you!!! Are you an actual witch by chance? These brooms aren't really intended for, uh...
actual flying... They are collector's items for tourists! But they are still worth purchasing! And they make wonderful gifts!
Nice try Protul, but we need an actual broom to fly with... not cheap ones to use as decorations.
Ooh a hall of mirrors, we sh-

You can see me, right? I think I can talk through reflections... so that's handy. If you want to meet the Queen... I have an idea of where to start. My sister is a student near here. She might know some way to the palace. I'm marking her on your map, OK?

Please refrain from talking to the mirrors! It... looks creepy.

But I didn't say anything...

Well I could plainly hear you!
(Oops. Other people can hear me? This ghost thing takes some getting used to...)
Anytime we pass by a surface with a reflection here in Mohabumi, we will be able to see Hala! Who seems to be wearing a princess' gown. Not sure if she died in that or if she was lucky and they let her pick what she gets to haunt people in.
Continuing on, we come across a clothing store. Bard has had the same pair of clothes on for at least several weeks now. We should probably look into getting something new to wear. Let's ask the sales clerk if they've gotten something that fits our

Step right up! Why not look here for some hot new threads! That outfit is cute, but maybe it's a bit dated? You'll find something you love here!
It's not that dated, it's only from the 13th century. There's gotta be college students running around in togas nearby, now THAT'S dated!

The people of Mohabumi have the best fashion in the world! Ask anybody! We're famous for it. Don't you want to look fabulous, too?
So if I asked someone from Rulle... they would also agree with that...? Because if so, wow your clothes must really be amazing if you can agree that your sworn enemy in this lifetime has some great fashion sense.

Your little feather cap is the defintion of cute! Where did you get it?

Oh! Thanks! I made it, actually!


I found the feather first, and thought it was really cool! So I wanted something to put it in...

Uh huh. Uh huh.

I'm not super good at sewing, so I got my friend Marley to help...

Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. What a great story!

Wait! I wasn't done!


And that's how we made it!


Great. Well, uh, if you wanna buy anything... you can do that...
Sorry Yonni! We don't have any money! I do like that Marley got mentioned again, I wonder what's going on in Langtree. It's been so long since we checked in with them...
Anyway... that dude with the beard looks like he's got an interesting story to tell.

I've travelled all over the world... but I've never seen a city like this! Mohabumi is really a magical place! Literally! Because it's magic!!
This bearded fat man is named Gabe... I assume he's holding the design document to Half-Life 3 (spoilers: It's empty).

Without magic, it's hard to reach most of the city... but there's so much to see in the tourist areas! I visited the Academy and sat in a class there. It was a little pointless, but it was interesting seeing how witches learn!

I'm writing a travel guide, actually... I want to see everything the world has to offer! What about you? Where do you think I should go next?
Hmm, of all those locations, Tatango is probably the best travel spot. Langtree is great...but not to visit. Chismest needs more time to get the factory converted into something better. Xiatian would be a decent choice, as would Delphi. But the tropical island paradise is probably the one we should recommend to him.

Tatango! Where is that again?

It's an island in the ocean! There's pirates there, and magical mermaids! Oh wait, maybe not mermaids. But! Pirates!!

Hmm, OK!
Satisfied with our answer, Gabe plans his next trip as we plan to move to the next area.
On the way to the Academy, we run into this poindexter holding a wand out.

Oh, bother! This baton is always acting up! It's an old family heirloom... Enchanted, somehow, to react to music. But the thing's so bloody sensitive! I can't so much as walk by a musician! I'm sure it's lovely for conducting... as long as the band is kilometers away! On one occasion, I was out and about with this thing, and I had the misfortune to run into a marching band! I was trapped up in a high place for hours! They had to bring someone to get me down! Something so music-sensitive could be useful! So I thought to bring it to the Academy, chaps here know a thing or two about magic. Or maybe they could fix the bloody thing! That would be nice.
Hmm, a baton that reacts to music... eh? If only... we had a game mechanic based around that...
BLIMEY!!! OY!!! Could you please stop that!!!
BLASTED thing!!! Enough already!!!
Tee-hee. Just our little way of having fun.
We've made it to the academy. It's very spacious on the inside. Those doors must reach to the ceiling with how tall they are projecting at. Also our buddy Randolph is here.

Ah, it's you... from the boat. Are you a student here? Heh heh!... "Wink!" I'm winking, of course, because... I know you are not...
Could you maybe spell that out a bit harder? I'm not sure I grasped the subtlety there Randolph.

If you have come to learn about magic, well... while I admire your pursuit of that knowledge... There is not much
you can do with it. You are not a witch, correct? Unless you are born with the gift... Why are some born with magic, and some not? The answer is not clear to us, yet. That's the primary subject of my research here.
We get a nice little explanation on why there's witches in the world. I wonder how you get the magic gene. Is is something you can isolate and do some kind of gene therapy on regular folks to make them do magic? Or would that just cause them to spontaneously combust?
This looks like an Academy student. Are you Hala's sister?

Oh. Sorry if I didn't notice you just now... I'm... working on my thesis... just going back and forth, from my room to the library, day and night, forever... And... I forget... how to talk... like a normal person...
From my interactions with grad students, Sayali is a perfect stand-in for them.

I'm studying different kinds of magic... Different individuals produce different magics, even when they attempt the same thing... But now I'm freaking out, because... there's no reason I can find for why that is... It won't make for a compelling presentation... The Academy is so important to me... I grew up always thinking I'd study here... dreaming about it... and now that I'm here, I wanted to create the most groundbreaking thesis... Really
discover something... but it's easier said than done... Now I just hope I can graduate...
You're not going to pass your grammar class if you can't come up with other types of punctuation then ellipses.
This game and its ellipses I swear.
A girl by her lonesome in the library, right next to a mirror. Either we just found Hala's sister or the most vain girl in the whole Academy.


Am I seeing things? Hal, what are you doing in that mirror?

I need your help, Can. I need to talk to mom.

Oh gosh, Hal. She's been worried sick about you! We all have. What happened to you?

I died, Can.

I know
that! But wh... how?

An accident? That's all I get...? Everything's always a secret from me... They didn't even tell me when you vanished, Hal. I'm not a baby anymore!

I'm sorry, Can. But... I can't talk about it now...

What do you need?

I'm tied down to this body.

Hi, by the way! I'm a bard!

But we don't have access to magic. So how can we get into the palace?

Hmmm... no magic... Wait a second... did you say... you're a singer?


That's right!


I was just studying this in class. It's a little known fact that magic... is actually just advanced music!


And way, way, WAY back... we used to use songs to do magic.

...Found it! Try singing this...

It worked!

It worked? I can do

Sort of... Singing is... primitive, compared to real magic. But these crystals are extra magic-sensitive. So they'll respond to you. That's the only example song in the book... I wish I could be more help. I bet Amaris would know tons more spell songs...

Oh no. Not her...


Our older sister. She's headmaster of this whole school. And, yeah, a pain to deal with.

I don't want to see her.

I don't think she wants to be seen. By
anybody. She's been hiding at the top of her tower for... weeks. There's also Badriyah... I can mark where she lives for you, Hal. Maybe she can help too.

That's a MUCH better idea. Thank you, Can.

I wanted to give you a hug just now, but... I guess you're just a ghost in the mirror...

Thanks to Candra, we now have our first spell! Bard can now cast spells in the city of Mohabumi, which do different things to those blocks we've seen across town. Our goal right now, is to get all of these spells so we can fully explore the city.
In case you ever forget the spell, it's now written on the map which can be pulled up anytime by pressing down. Candra also marked Badriyah's house on the map, which shows her as being on the next level. So how are we going to get there?
By jumping on these blocks after they've been enchanted with our new song, they act as bounce pads! We now have the ability to jump to higher platforms in the city! Before we do that though, Candra does have a bit more to say to Hala, so let's let the sisters talk.

You know the story about the goddess Eya, creating the universe with song... and all that, right? According to the book, since the universe is fundamentally just magic, we discovered we could use music to manipulate it... and that's what evolved into magic. It sounds pretty crazy... but it does work, so I guess it's true.
Thank goodness Candra took the History of Magic 101 this semester instead of Cooking with Magic 323 like she planned, or we would have been SOL!

I wish I could just take you to the palace myself. But you have to cast the spell yourself to get in... write it down on your map so you don't forget it.


I don't know what to do, now... I have so many exams... I was keeping so busy... I'd managed to stop thinking, about what happened... but now it's all coming back in such a rush... Oh, Hal... Whoever you are... please take good care of Hal. All my sisters are too old and stuck up to be my friends. Except Hal. She was the best. She's a good person.

Um... I don't want you to be here for that.
Let's leave her be. Poor girl.
MUSIC: Mohabumi
Now that the blocks can be used as trampolines, we make our way to the second level and will try to find our way to Hala's next sister.
...Dick Cheney?

Are you one of my students?

If you were, you'd never forget me! Take magical engineering sometime! You'll love it!
I'll skip the class hunting trip though, if that's okay with you.

I'm rather like a bear... I'm fairly placid until provoked, and I like to hibernate 3 months of the year!

Gah ha ha!

That's probably as far as the analogy goes. I don't make a habit of scratching my rear end on trees! The administration would frown on that, even with my tenure!

Gah ha ha!

My students are brilliant! They're building a device to go up into space! Why? Who knows! Maybe they'll poke Eya herself in the eye!

Gah ha ha!
And that student's name? Albert Witchstein. That's all for Douglas and his poor humor.
Miriam! You found a broom...! Which... you seem to be struggling mighty hard with.


You got a broom!
I had to do a bunch of pointless sidequests but I got one of those cheap shop brooms. It's... not... exactly good. Going more than a couple feet off the ground is... pretty terrifying. I'm trying to get used to it.

Well, that's okay! Guess what!

I learned how to do MAGIC!

Singing can do magic! And not just, like, the magic of friendship. But real magic, like spells that do things!
Th-that's great... Well, I'm in no shape to take a passenger yet... so I guess keep doing your thing. Figure out how to get into the castle, I'll learn how to fly this thing, and then we can join forces.
The magic of friendship line is another really good one. It doesn't beat the walking joke one, but it comes close. Miriam's got a lot more to say, and in fact, has a lot of dialogue in this entire city.
*Gasp* *Gasp* This is... embarrassing... I only ever flew my grandma's broom!! Everyone here makes it look so easy... and I look like an idiot!! I guess now I'm just... the failure witch... Who can't even do basic witch things...

It's okay! I can't fly brooms, either...
YEAH, but you aren't A WITCH!!!
The shaky text starts to go away at this point, so I guess she's starting to get a better handle on the broom.

So this is a Witch Academy... I never thought there'd be a school just for magic. It seems... so boring to study!

Whaaaaaat? Magic is cool, Miriam!

Yeah of course it is!!! So why would you want to study it?? Magic is all about doing cool things... reading about it seems like a waste.


So wait... you can do magic by singing, huh?

Sure can! They said magic is "advanced music!" I always knew music was magical!

How is it that I did magic my whole life... and I
NEVER KNEW THAT? It feels so weird... it's like this thing I've had my whole life, was keeping secrets from me... Did grandma Saphy know? She never really taught me stuff... we just went outside and DID stuff. To me, magic was always a thing that just was. To think it's something with an origin, that you can study... and understand... it takes the magic out of it...

Even if magic is made of music, that doesn't really take the mystery out! Music is an even bigger mystery, Miriam!

What? Not it isn't. Music is just like... notes like A B C... that you can count and put in order.
OH my gosh, Miriam. That isn't even close!!! Music is so much more than that! Trust me, I'm a pro! Music is sounds, and vibrations... it's the way the whole universe moves!
Nobody can understand all of it.

Hmm. Well, that's not really what magic is, to me... but I guess that sounds better than just notes.

I think that's okay! The other thing is, it can be whatever you want it to be!

Sure. But I don't know why you'd want to study it.

Because learning is fun!

A really long conversation between them, but it shows a lot of character development from Miriam. Can you imagine that same conversation with the Miriam from act 2, or even act 4? She was more likely to give Bard a swirly than actually have a respectful conversation with him. Our little characters are growing up!
Heading past Miriam and leaving the Academy, we meet this witch right at the entrance.

Oh, I don't go here. I was just stopping by... to deliver my boyfriend some dinner!!! I'm an awesome supportive girlfriend!!! He's studying hard night and day. When you fall into that, it's easy to forget everything. Like eating.
I actually know that feeling all too well. There's been some times where I've been invested into a project or studying and then realize it's almost bed time and I haven't eaten that day. It's good for being productive I guess

He'd never forget me though. He'll become a Grand Witch and we'll get married. Yes... it's a total dream life! These days are the tough ones. He's in school, and I'm busy with work. We hardly see each other now, but it will all be better in the end!
At least your boyfriend isn't becoming a Grand Wizard. Hopefully... Grand Witch isn't related to that.

Sometimes I worry, that the war will reach us here. And he'll be called to battle, as a Grand Witch. Our perfect life would be short lived. All I can do is hope, and keep telling strangers all my worries. Sorry if that's awkward! I have a lot on my mind!!!
At least you acknowledged it Varuna, though we know this great therapist named Clyde... Also, Varuna is the first person in Mohabumi to actually discuss how the war effort is affecting them. We made it quite a bit in before the war even came up as a topic, besides Layla's throw away line. Chaandesh must be winning the war handily for them to be almost casual about the war compared to Rulle.
More magical blocks that we can use to advance, as well as another witch to talk to.

Whenever I'm lost in Mohabumi... I always remember the 3 D's! Down Does D... Open the map!


Wait, that's not very memorable. Wait... how do I open the map, again? Oh no...
What button opens the map?! Was it... left? Up?
X??? This is terrible... I wrote notes for all my favorite spell sons on it, too. I need to find it!!!
When I need to open the map, I just remember this short phrase: It's down.

It's easy to get lost in Mohabumi... especially if you're walking on the ceilings and walls... Sometimes I forget which way is up and which is down! Wait... down! That's it! Does Does D'Open the map! I guess it was pretty memorable after all.
Nothing says memorable like having to have a mental meltdown alongside the phrase to help remember something.
Since we've finished talking to Gonzalo, we can now move forward. But looking at our map (you press down to activate it), shows that Badriyah is on the next level above us. Thankfully, there's magical jumping blocks next to us.
Our old friend, platforming, has come back to stay with us for the visit to Mohabumi. Jumping on the blocks is a bit of a pain, since if you jump and move in a direction, you only go up half as high as if you don't move in a direction. So you can't move while on the downswing, only on the upswing.
More blocks means more platforming time.
Uhh, what is that sign meant to refer to? Is it saying hairdresser, or bee hive? I'm really hoping it's the former because magic bees do not sound fun to deal with.
Oh hey, we're in a neighborhood... hopefully not full of magical bees. There is a witch hippie though, which is a phrase I'd never thought I'd use.

Hey there, bud. Don't be rude to anybody here! Mohabumi... is a city of love!

Well, I'm the only one who says that. But I'm gonna make it true. By spreading love out in every direction! If everyone could learn... to love and respect one another, the world would be a better place, bud. We don't need no war! We don't need no hate! Just feel the looooove! That's what it's all about! Some folks will laugh at you, for saying wild things... even if they're true! Es
pecially if they're true! But don't let the world stop you, bud. Let your love grow free!
It's a lofty goal Jonas, but I will definitely agree with you. Let's hope we can find peace on this rock.
Just past Jonas is Matilda! I guess we found her home.

Oh, it's you! The creepy one... who escaped from jail, stowed away on my boat, snuck into my room, and sang me a song.

Well, how ya doing? Break any more laws lately?
Oh sure, when you phrase it like that it sounds creepy! You could make anything sound creepy if you wanted to!

Mohabumi is a most wonderful, musical city! Hard to believe there are folks out there... working to destroy it! Those monster-loving Rullers frighten me so! Their jail must have been a nightmare. I'm sure you've seen... awful things. No wonder you came out... so twisted...


Thankfully the war hasn't reached us here yet. You've come to the right place to get away, but its shadow lurks close! There's talk of monsters in the forests... Rullers all keep monsters of their own, too. Think that's a coincidence? We won't be safe here forever.
It seems almost sterotypical to bring up that the elderly woman is the one to fear monger about the war. But uh... she did!
...What...who...are you?

Well, it's another day'a war with Rulle! Folks may not always talk about it, but you can
BET it's on their minds, heh! Everyone's stressin' about the war, running around... but when ya get to my age it's no big thing no more. It's just life as a Chaandeshian...
That's a nice... hairdo Mastanama... Also a nice name. Her hair-do also looks like an ant's thorax.

Those animal lovers are scary for sure. I hear they gots
monsters comin' after us! But I also saw the Hero around here too! I think Eya sent the Hero here to protect us. Eya's on our side! So harm'll never come to us here.
Oh yeah, the Hero was on the boat with us. I wonder how she's faring without being able to use magic too. Hopefully she gets stuck in a semester of classes at the Academy in order to advance.
Looks like we're here!
It definitely looks like a nice house - a house that a princess would live in.
Even if only for the view. Jeez.
Let's head inside and meet Badriyah.

It can't be... Hala?

Badriyah! How's the baby coming along?

Hala, you


I know. I was trying to make it less awkward, sis.

What's going on here?

I'm in this body.

And we need to talk to mom, but this minstrel doesn't have magic... The best we can do is sing the really old spells...

The old songs? Did you talk to Amaris about it?

I'm trying not to see her. I was hoping
you could help us, Badriyah.

Would that I could, Hala! But I'm not a scholar like Amaris... I don't know these things... You
know she could answer a question like that.

I do know
one of the songs... The one that goes like this? Why don't you try it?

The one that lets us walk on walls... it's a handy one! But if you want to see mom... you've got to talk to Amaris. It's the only way.

Yeah, yeah. We will.

I marked her office on your map just in case you forgot. I love you, Hala. Please don't haunt me forever.

I'd be tempted, but I'm already in a committed haunting with this minstrel. I love you too, Badriyah. Give my regards to my niece when she's born.
A nice scene between the two sisters, though notably less warm than Chandra had with Hala. I will explain how the new spell works right after we talk to Badriyah little bit more.

That old song I taught you... everyone knew at least that one when I was growing up. Did you really not know it, Hala?

Yes? No? I really didn't know it.

Today's witches, forgetting their fundamentals... when Maha's born, I'll make sure they know it.

Miss you too, Badriyah...

Poor mom, she had to wait so long to be a grandma. And just before Maha's born, she lost you... It really upset her, Hala. She loved you so much.


I never was very good at keeping in touch with the family... I probably was the last to hear about Hala's disappearance. I don't think it's even hit me yet... Hala really was too young for this to happen... what a cruel shame...

I'm right here...
Hala seems to have a lukewarm relationship with Badriyah, and that comes off in her character also kinda being a bit lukewarm. Granted, we don't interact with these sisters again, but Chandra and Amaris are much more notable, if only for the fact that Hala has more of a connection to them.
Anyway, we've got a new spell! And oh boy is it the best one!
Bard can now use the blocks to walk on walls and on the ceiling to get to new places! This spell alone unlocks almost the entire city, and even places we've already visited have new places to explore thanks to this spell!
The only major issue with this is that the controls are... weird. For instance, when we were on the ground, the right button was held to go up the wall. If the right button is still held, then you continue moving forward, whatever direction that now happens to be. But, if the right button is released while on the ceiling/wall, the right button will change to move in the right direction. Another example, in the picture above on the ceiling, we are moving to the left; even though the right button is being held. If the right button is released, and we press it, it now moves us to the right. It's clunky and never starts to feel comfortable, but we are walking on the walls and ceiling, so I can forgive the game this.
Next time... we use our new spell to reach new places